Heat Exhaustion & Dehydration in Dogs

Heat Exhaustion & Dehydration in Dogs

mixed-breed-dog-2095545_960_720Summer is officially here and it’s HOT outside! Even though it’s easy for us to overlook the past few winter months and fully bask in the beautiful weather, we need to remember that our pups aren’t as tolerable as we are to the heat!

It seems lately that more often than not, we are hearing stories on the news about pets being left inside their owner’s cars while they run errands around town or go indoors to eat at a restaurant with friends, leaving their  dogs in the car with not so much as a crack in the window for fresh air. We need to remember that dogs have a harder time releasing heat than we do, and it is very important that they are in a cool environment and fully hydrated at all times.

Heat exhaustion in dogs can be fatal and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Dogs do not release sweat like we do when we are hot, instead they pant to exchange warm air for cool air. However, when the temperature outside is the same as a dog’s body temperature, panting will not help and they become more susceptible to heat exhaustion. Some signs of heat exhaustion that your dog will show are;

  • Heavy panting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Vomiting caused by excessive saliva
  • Rectal temperature of 104° or higher
  • Unsteady while standing
  • Bloody diarrhea

If these symptoms are left untreated, they can lead to more severe issues such as seizures, unconsciousness and even death. Be sure to seek medical treatment immediately if you notice that your dog is suffering from any of the symptoms listed above.

For any questions or dog training tips contact Leader of The Pack Dog Training located in Milton serving Boston MA!