How To Train Your Dog Not To Bite

dog biting leash

How To Train Your Dog Not To Bite

You may find that your dog has the tendency to often bite. This is usually because your dog feels they are under attack or trying to protect. Sometimes dogs also tend to bite out of instinct, so it’s important to train your dog correctly. There are many things you can do to train your dog not to bite. Here are some of our tips and tricks owners should follow.

Understand Your Dog’s Body Language

Dogs often communicate using body language in the same way humans do. It is important to always pay attention to their body language because it can usually help you predict their next move.

It is very likely a dog will bite when they feel as though their territory is being invaded or they feel scared. Body languages such as bared teeth, a lowered head, raised hackles, etc. are all signs your dog is on guard and may bite. If you notice that your dog is putting out these body languages advise others that are near to give the dog some space so they do not bite.

People often believe that teaching your dog not to growl during these times is how to stop them from biting. This is not true because when you make your dog feel like it is wrong to growl, they will stop growling when they are in a scared or uncomfortable situation. Dogs tend to bite without warning when they are taught not to growl because they have no way of communicating their uncomfortable feelings.

Use Positive Reinforcement Method

It is encouraged to reward your dogs’ good behavior rather than punish their bad behavior. You can reward your dogs’ good behavior with words of encouragement, treats, extra playtime outside, or any activity you know that your dog loves to do.

It has been found that dogs who have been trained using punishment methods are 25% more likely to respond with biting or in other aggressive ways.

Obedience Training

It is definitely a lot easier to control a dog that has obedience training than one that does not. Train your dog to focus on you when they are in uncomfortable situations. When your dog responds to you all the time and picks up on your cues it is less likely that they will get out of control and bite. You will have the power to calm them down and make them feel safe again.

Contact Leader of the Pack

Leader of the Pack located in Quincy, MA is happy to help you train your dog correctly! If you would like a professional to teach your dog to calm down and not bite, we are here for you. Check out our training courses to see which one would benefit you and your furry friend best. Give us a call today or fill out a contact form on our website!


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