5 Essential Commands To Teach Your Dog

5 Essential Commands To Teach Your Dog

Everyone wants a well trained dog, but in order for them to BE well trained, you have to TRAIN them.  Leader of the Pack Dog Obedience Training believes that training is the foundation of building a trusting relationship between an owner and a dog and they use a positive reinforcement method to reward good behavior.  Here are 5 simple but essential commands to teach your dog during training.

“Sit” – Some dogs get excited when you’re getting ready to take them outside or for a walk, others have a hard time waiting when they know their dinner is being prepared.  Teaching your dog to sit and wait will make simple tasks a lot easier and makes sure your dog won’t run off and get into trouble while you’re distracted.  The goal is for the dog to learn that when you give the “sit” command, it’s time to calm down and pay attention.

“Come” – Every dog should know this command because it is very important during an emergency.  If your dog should break loose from their leash or the yard, this command helps you keep your dog out of harm’s way and gain control during extreme situations.  When teaching this command, use a more encouraging voice than you do for other commands because you want your dog to WANT to come to you.  Also accompany this command with a gesture to show your dog that you want them to come to you.

“Stay” – This command can be a little harder to teach, but it’s definitely worth the time and effort.  It’s hard for dogs to “stay” because when they see something they want, they automatically go after it.  Dog’s can’t tell if something is dangerous, such as grabbing an object with their mouth that they shouldn’t, or running out in the street.  This will also help teach your dog to stay calm around people and other dogs.

“Down” – Dogs tend to get very excited and jump up on people when they meet them, but not everyone enjoys this kind of greeting.  By teaching dogs “down”, they will learn how to obey their owner when they are accompanied by new people.  When training a dog “down”, use treats to reward them and never push them into a down position.

“Leave It/Drop It” – Dogs don’t understand that when you are trying to pull something out from their mouth, you’re not playing, but rather trying to protect them.  They also have trouble ignoring things that are tempting.  This command keeps your dog from exploring dangerous objects and from taking things they shouldn’t.

Need more advanced training for your dog or puppy?  Contact Ida Lyons Geering at Leader of the Pack Dog Obedience Training at leaderofthepackdogtraining@yahoo.com or call 1-617-296-1711.

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