How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping

dog jumping

How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping

Dogs are one of the best homely pets to have around, no doubt. But these seemingly loving creatures can be challenging to deal with at times. Like humans, dogs are equally fond of attention. One unique characteristic of dogs is jumping when they see their owner. They do this for a wide range of reasons. Prominent among these reasons may be excitement from seeing an old pal, threat, or even hunger. You shouldn’t just watch them do that.

This guide will teach you 4 ways to control your dog.

4 Techniques To Stop Your Dog From Jumping

Here are a few tips for preventing a dog from jumping:

Study the jumping pattern of your dog

When does your dog jump? Is it when it sees strangers, you, or even when it is distressed or hungry. Each dog owner must observe these pattern series in their respective pets. No scientific backing that a dog jumps on its owner to assert territorial dominance. Relax, they are not wolves. However, your reaction to the dog’s jump could motivate it to continue jumping or refrain from doing so. If you reciprocate or push it away, your pet is bound to study your reaction and adopt it.

Substitute the jumping with a sit command

Rather than encouraging your dog to keep jumping at you, why not enforce it consistently to adopt the “sit command.” You can enable this by ignoring her excited behavior(jumping) until it calms. Afterward, you command her to sit and praise/ reward it for such action. The dog’s cognitive ability begins to identify with this new command gradually. No one wants to have their groceries all over the floor due to one’s dog jumping all over the place when you return from the store.

Be less emotionally attached to the dog

While jumping up for dogs is a natural greeting, it can look rude to strangers and, in most cases, even hurt children. They could go as far as ruining your pants with scratches or dirt or clawing at your arms when jumping at you. However, you can prevent this by showing less emotional attachment when your dog sees you. Do not speak loudly or out of excitement, as this may trigger your dog’s adrenaline system.  

Encourage people to reward your dog

People love to be around dogs that are not theirs. Most dogs cuddle during jogs and walks. It is not advisable to dissuade onlookers from touching or giving your dog kibbles. Instead, encourage them that your dog is currently under training. You could even ask them to command it to sit first before rewarding the dog. This simple technique will help your dog understand how to relate with strangers or guests.

Sign Up For Dog Training with Leader of the Pack

Dogs are adorable until they begin to display irregular and unwanted behavior. It is better not to overlook these behavior patterns but instead look for ways of helping them out. Leader of the  Pack Dog Training is your go-to professional if you want further dog training and development guidance.  Sign up for a course or contact us with any questions! 617-296-1711

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