Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog

Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog

Summer is a great time to get acquainted with the outdoors and spend time under the sun. There are a number of things to keep in mind to protect against the heat, and for dog owners, that list is only greater. Dogs can do little on their own to protect against the summer heat and sun, so it is crucial for dog owners to know the best ways in which summer can mean fun and not misery for your four-legged friends. shutterstock_772497598

Protecting your Dog’s Paws

Something many think about in the summer is long walks with their dogs for exercise. After a long winter, it feels great to get back outdoors with your pet, but there are a lot of things that could actually harm your dog. For example, the heat of a sidewalk can go upwards of 120 degrees, burning their paw pads with every step. Walking early in the morning or late in the evening is the safest way to exercise your dog on hot days. Keep in mind that even the grass can get very hot, and start to really cause discomfort, and artificial turf fields are even more likely to hold in heat and cause harm to your pets, so be aware of that as you head out for adventures. Look for shade as often as possible on walks, and always keep the next tip in mind when staying active as well.

Keep Hydrated

There’s nothing more harmful to a dog’s health than dehydration. There are so many things that can draw water out of a dog, such as heat, the sun, and exercise. Keep a travel bowl or water bottle with you during walks and days out with your pup to make sure they always stay hydrated. Like people, water is the best way to prepare the body for a long day, so be sure to get them plenty of water before a walk or trip to the park as well.

Ticks Return to Threaten Dogs

Summer is peak tick season. Make sure to always keep your dog prepared by giving them a tick preventative. There are many options available including topical products, collars, sprays, and even daily supplements with many natural, chemical-free products available. They are relatively inexpensive and are the best way to limit your dog’s risk for the many tick-borne illnesses that can be dangerous and cause serious illness to your dog. Let us know if you have questions about pet care for the summer or all year long. Leader of the Pack Dog Training is always one phone call away, and are ready to give you the most comprehensive and individualized dog ownership advice.

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