What Do You Need to Know to Choose the Perfect Dog Sitter

What Do You Need to Know to Choose the Perfect Dog Sitter

It’s never fun to leave your pet, but the nice thing about today’s service industry is that the kennel is not the only option anymore. Utilizing a pet sitter is more and more common nowadays, but with so many pet sitting services popping up online every day, there are a few things to check into before hiring a dog sitter. Here are qualities and offerings to look for in the perfect dog sitter.

Attentive Care

It’s heartbreaking to have to leave your pet, but the only thing worse for your dog is a sitter that does not take time to be attentive. It’s great to have someone who comes to let your dog go potty outside and maybe for a walk, but time with a sitter is confusing for a dog when they meet them for the first time. For example, your dog is not going to be totally at ease around a stranger. Even when your dog is friendly, they still feel stress when meeting new people while apart from you. To ensure a great sitter, make sure they are aware of the responsibility of dog sitting. That means minimal time on cell phones or other distractions and a lot of time spent focusing on the dog and its needs.

Initial Introduction

It helps a ton if you can introduce your dog to the sitter while still in town. That allows your dog to meet the new person in what they perceive to be a safe setting. Likewise, let the sitter come to the house first to see what they are like with your dog. They are likely professionals when hired from a successful service, but it is comforting for everyone to have the first meeting be in a familiar setting to the pet. Lastly, make sure to ensure this vital part of a successful pet sitter experience.

Preparedness on Your End

Nothing is going to make for a less enjoyable experience for all if you are not prepared for your sitter. This involves getting food ready, making a list of emergency contacts, and letting the sitter know about any allergies or special needs your dog may have. Even the best pet sitter is only as good as the preparedness of the client.

Need additional help with figuring out your puppy’s special needs? Ida Lyons Geering is a top dog behavior expert in the Quincy area. Contact Leader of the Pack today to help you and your puppy better understand each other!


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