6 Tips for Caring for Your Dog This Winter

6 Tips for Caring for Your Dog This Winter

swiss-shepherd-dog-354526_960_720Winter is right around the corner. While we’re looking forward to playing out in the snow, make sure you take the necessary steps to care for your pup in this winter wonderland.

Keep Them Indoors

Don’t leave pets outdoors while no one is watching them. If you’re letting them out in the backyard to run around, only let them out for a few minutes and watch them the entire time. Dogs often like to dig in big snow piles, but they could potentially get stuck in them if no one is watching.

Proper Clothing

Even dogs are at risk for hypothermia and frostbite. They should wear a sweater or a jacket when outside to keep them warm.

Protect Paws

Chemicals used to melt snow and ice, such as salt, and irritate your dog’s paws. When coming back inside, wipe all of your dog’s paws with a wet towel. If your dog shows signs of discomfort when walking outside, consider investing in dog booties to protect their paws.

Warm Bedding

In the winter, dogs like to sleep on cold floors to keep them cool, but in the winter they should have the option to choose nice warm bedding. Raised beds can keep your dog off of cold tiles or concrete and warm blankets can keep them from getting joint stiffness.

Avoid Antifreeze

Antifreeze has a sweet taste that can attract dogs, but it is a deadly poison. If you need to use antifreeze, make sure to wipe up any spills ASAP and keep it in a safe, hidden place.

Stay Clear of the Car

Cars get dangerously cold in the winter when they’re shut off, and if they’re left on, they can run into the risk of creating carbon monoxide. Leaving your dog in the car in the winter can be just as dangerous as leaving your dog in the car in the summer. When running errands, leave your pup at home in his warm bed!

For obedience classes to help your pup stay trained indoors this winter, contact Leader of the Pack Dog Training today!

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