How to Get a Puppy to Sleep Through the Night

Crate training

How to Get a Puppy to Sleep Through the Night

Puppies are a lot of fun. But getting your puppy on a regular schedule takes consistent training. Until your puppy reaches about 16 weeks old, it may not regularly sleep through the night. That means you probably won’t be sleeping through the night. 

When your puppy is around 16 weeks old, you can start training them to sleep through the night so that you both can get the rest you need. Some of the puppy sleep training techniques recommended by expert trainers and vets include:

Crate Training

Dog behavior experts highly recommend crate training your puppy. It might seem mean to train your puppy to crate every night, but it’s not. Puppies like the feeling of security that being in the crate gives them. Especially if you make it a cozy and comforting place for them by putting soft, cozy blankets, a bed or a pillow, and a toy or two with them. 


When you try to get your puppy to sleep through the night consistently, you and your puppy will probably need some naps. Try to get in a mid-morning nap and a mid-afternoon nap for your puppy. Play with the puppy first, so they will be tired and want to sleep. Playing with or walking them will get them into the routine of being quiet and sleeping after playing or walking. Then they will get sleepy anytime they have a good play session or a long walk. 

Lots Of Daily Exercise

Puppies have a lot of energy. And getting some of that energy out is the best way to ensure your puppy is tired enough to sleep through the night. Take your puppy for lots of walks. Or take them to the dog park to run around. Doggie daycare is a good option if you have to work and can’t spend much time socializing your puppy out during the day. You also may want to consider having a dog walker come during the day to walk the puppy. 

A Good Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine is essential to getting your puppy to sleep through the night. Start the routine with a consistent dinner time. After dinner, take the puppy for a walk or take them out to play. Then take them for a quick potty break outside before bed. Make sure bedtime is the same time every night. Put them in their crate with a treat and a toy. Or have them lay on a bed or blanket just for sleeping at night. The key to training a puppy to sleep through the night is consistency. 

Potty Breaks 

It can take some time for your puppy to start sleeping through the night. If your puppy does need to go out in the middle of the night, don’t make it a big production. Take them outside, bring them back in, and put them back in their crate or on their sleeping bed. Don’t play with them or distract them. Try to keep them focused on sleeping. 

Get More Expert Puppy Training Tips

Training your puppy isn’t always easy, but taking the time to understand why your puppy acts the way they day will make it easier to train them. Contact the Leader of the Pack team for more personalized puppy training tips or to enroll in obedience training

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